· Webb's experience with online dating shows how online dating can become more than a game but also a social experiment revealing valuable facts. It seems that online dating With 55 billion matches to date, Tinder® is the world’s most popular dating app, making it the place to meet new people. Tinder. Tinder. Close. Let’s be real, the dating landscape looks Missing: communication studies comprised of peer-reviewed studies conducted on online-dating and news articles, and apply the theoretical framework and ideas to primary sources that encompass personal anecdotes Missing: communication studies
Frontiers | Tinder Use and Romantic Relationship Formations: A Large-Scale Longitudinal Study
The current paper aims to investigate if Tinder use predicts romantic relationship formation 1 year later and to identify demographic, communication studies online dating tinder paper, personality, mental health, and substance use covariates in the relationship between Tinder use and romantic relationship formation.
Data were collected by online surveys two waves among students in Bergen, Norway. The first survey was administered during fall T1. The follow-up took place 1 year later fallT2. The sample consisted of the participants who reported to be single at T1.
Bivariate comparisons were conducted to assess differences in demographics, personality traits, mental health, and substance use between Tinder users and non-Tinder users. Further, crude and adjusted binary logistic regressions were employed to investigate if Tinder use at T1 predicted romantic relationship formation at T2, when controlling for relevant covariates. Tinder users differed from non-users on almost all included variables, communication studies online dating tinder paper. Compared to non-users, Tinder users were younger and more likely to be men, born in Norway, childless, and non-religious.
Tinder users had higher scores on extroversion and agreeableness and lower scores on openness compared to non-users. Further, compared to non-users, Tinder users reported more symptoms of anxiety and were more likely to have hazardous, harmful, or dependent alcohol use and to report use of illegal substances.
However, when controlling for personality, substance use, and all included covariates, the difference in likelihood of romantic relationship formation was no longer significant. The prevalence rates of singledom and childlessness are increasing in Western and Asian societies Nargund, ; Adamczyk, Over the last years, online dating apps have become an increasingly popular platform for individuals seeking romantic relationships Smith and Anderson, One such dating app is Tinder.
Tinder is a picture-based dating communication studies online dating tinder paper for smartphones, with which users are introduced to potential sexual or romantic partners filtered by their preferences in terms of gender, age, communication studies online dating tinder paper, and geographical proximity, communication studies online dating tinder paper.
The app is mostly used by heterosexual young adults and is currently the most popular dating app with users in more than countries and 1. Being part of a happy, long-term romantic relationship is an important life goal for many people Reis and Downey, Most theories on why humans engage in romantic relationship are based on evolutionary psychology, emphasizing romantic relationships as a means of survival i.
The emergence of dating sites and apps, such as Tinder, has changed the dating scene dramatically. With online dating, people are not limited by time, social, and geographical boundaries to the same degree as with off-line dating. Communication studies online dating tinder paper, online dating increases the number of potential romantic and sexual partners available Regan, Today, more and more individuals regard online dating as a good way to meet potential partners, and the popularity of such apps is increasing Smith and Anderson, Location-based, real-time dating apps, such as Tinder, differ from traditional online dating sites by being considered as more casual and effortless to use.
In addition, such apps make it more convenient to meet users off-line due to the location filter function that ensures physical proximity Orosz et al. Few studies have investigated whether Tinder facilitates or hampers formation of romantic relationships.
One study found a positive association between the number of meetings through Tinder and romantic relationship formation with another Tinder user Timmermans and Courtois, Limitations with that study include its cross-sectional design and its lack of a comparison group consisting of non-Tinder users.
When exploring possible effects of Tinder use on romantic relationship formation, it is important to control for individual differences in demographics, communication studies online dating tinder paper, personality, mental health, and substance use as such characteristics predict romantic relationship formation Shaver and Brennan, ; Buss, ; Meyer and Paul, ; Petraitis et al.
Thus, demographics, personality, mental health, and substance use may act as third variables in the relationship between Tinder use and romantic relationship formation if they predict Tinder use as well. Few studies have investigated demographic characteristics associated with Tinder use Sumter and Vandenbosch, It has been suggested that Tinder use is common among younger adults and men Timmermans and De Caluwé, ; LeFebvre, ; Sumter and Vandenbosch, In a similar manner, communication studies online dating tinder paper, one may expect country of birth and religious identification to predict Tinder use as these characteristics have been found to predict attitudes toward causal sex.
Those who are not born in Western countries and religious individuals are typically more skeptical about casual sex and may, thus, be more reluctant communication studies online dating tinder paper use Tinder Ahrold and Meston, ; Yu, ; Adamczyk and Hayes, Another demographic characteristic that may relate to Tinder use is parental status as one may assume that Tinder may be particularly convenient for single parents due to the limited time they have available for off-line partner searching.
The Five-Factor Model of personality, including extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness, is considered to be the best empirically supported personality taxonomy McCrae and John, ; Larsen et al. Tinder users have been found to score higher on extroversion and openness and lower on conscientiousness compared to non-users Timmermans and De Caluwé, Similar results are found in a study by Carpenter and McEwan and indicate that users of dating apps including Tinder are more sociable and impulsive i.
To date, there is a dearth of research on dating apps and mental health. No study has specifically explored the associations between Tinder use and depression and anxiety. However, some studies have investigated the associations between online dating and psychological distress with inconsistent findings. Some have found a positive association, and others have found an inverse association Valkenburg and Peter, ; Robinson, Research on dating apps with regard to alcohol and illegal substance use is so far limited to studies investigating the relationship among homosexual men.
Robinson reported in this regard that respondents using both casual sex—seeking sites and dating sites scored higher on alcohol and illegal substance use compared to non-users of such sites. Against this backdrop, the current study aimed to investigate if Tinder use predicted formation of romantic relationships i. The present study utilizes data from a larger project investigating health, substance use, and social media use among students Erevik et al.
The sample consists of students from the four largest institutions of higher education in Communication studies online dating tinder paper, Norway, including three public institutions—the University of Bergen UiBBergen University College HiBand the Norwegian School communication studies online dating tinder paper Economics NHH —and one private institution, Norwegian Business School BI, campus Bergen.
A total of 28, students were invited via email to participate in an online survey during fall A total of 11, The participants who responded to the survey in Time 1, T1 were invited to participate in a follow-up online survey Time 2, T2 during fall A total of The T2 response rate is, thus, likely to have been significantly higher than The participants were met with an informed consent page on the first page of the surveys, via which they were informed about the study, data storage, and data use procedures and their right to abstain from participation.
The project was approved by the Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics, Western Norway no. For more information communication studies online dating tinder paper the surveys and sample, see Erevik et al. In the current study, only participants who reported to be single at T1 were initially included, which amounted to 5, persons.
These comprised the analytic sample concerning the associations between Tinder use and later romantic relationship formation. The T1 response rate for the current sample is not known as the proportion of single students in the student population is unknown. The T2 response rate for those who reported to be single at T1 was The Mini-IPIP consists of 20 items i. Total scores range between 4 and 20 for each trait, and higher scores indicate higher levels of the personality trait in question.
The internal reliability of the measurement was acceptable in the current study. Mental health was assessed using the Hopkins Symptoms Check List HSCL Derogatis et al.
The HSCL consists of 25 items measuring symptoms of anxiety and depression. When answering the HSCL, the participants are asked to indicate to which degree different symptoms of anxiety e. Total scores range between 10 and 40 for anxiety and between 15 and 60 for depression.
Alcohol use was assessed by the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test AUDITcomprising 10 items Bohn et al. The response options vary somewhat for the different items with the most common response options being: never, less than monthly, monthly, weekly, daily or almost daily.
Total AUDIT scores range from 0 to AUDIT scores of or above 8, 16, communication studies online dating tinder paper, or 20 indicate hazardous, harmful, or dependent alcohol use, respectively Bohn et al. Data analyses were conducted with IBM SPSS Statistics for Mac, Version 25 IBM Corp. Missing data were deleted listwise. Categorical variables were dichotomized before the analyses.
The dichotomous variables were sex man vs. womanplace of birth countries outside Norway vs. Norwayreligious identification non-religious vs. religiousparental status do not have children vs. have childrenand illegal drug use in the last 6 months no use vs.
To check for any potential dropout biases, students who only participated at T1 were compared to students who participated in both waves on the included variables with independent sample t and chi-square tests.
For phi coefficients, 0. Further, independent sample t and chi-square tests were conducted to compare demographic, personality, mental health, and substance use characteristics between Tinder users and non-Tinder users at baseline T1also broken down by sex.
To investigate the association between Tinder use and development of romantic relationship, six binary logistic regression analyses were conducted. Crude, partly, and fully adjusted regressions were conducted using baseline scores T1 as independent variables IV : In the crude analysis model 0only use of Tinder was included as an independent variable. In four partly adjusted models 1—4Tinder use comprised the independent variable of interest while separately controlling for other groups of IVs.
Finally, a fully adjusted model was run, in which all independent variables were included simultaneously. In addition, we tested for potential interaction effects by sex in all models. Descriptive analyses revealed that A total of 2. Dropout analysis revealed no significant differences between respondents participating only at T1 and respondents communication studies online dating tinder paper at both T1 and T2 except the proportion of women and agreeableness scores that were somewhat higher among respondents participating in both waves compared to among those who only participated at T1 see Table 1.
Comparisons of Tinder users and non-Tinder users are shown in Table 2. There were statistically significant differences between Tinder users and non-Tinder users on most of the included variables. Compared to non-Tinder users, Tinder users were more likely to be younger, men, and born in Norway and less likely to have children and to identify with a religious belief.
Tinder users scored higher on extroversion and agreeableness and lower on openness and reported more symptoms of anxiety compared to non-users. Further, Tinder users were less likely to report no or low-risk alcohol use and more likely to report hazardous, harmful, or dependent alcohol use and illegal substance use the last 6 months compared to non-Tinder users.
There were no significant differences in scores on conscientiousness, neuroticism, and symptoms of depression between Tinder users and non-Tinder users. The effect sizes of the significant group differences were all small or very small. Similar patterns of differences between Tinder users and non-Tinder users were observed in the analyses that were broken down by sex results not shown.
Table 2. Crude, partly, and fully adjusted regression coefficients of Tinder use on the development of romantic relationships are displayed in Communication studies online dating tinder paper 3.
Tinder Experiment Meta Analysis - Online Dating vs Real Life
, time: 8:01
With 55 billion matches to date, Tinder® is the world’s most popular dating app, making it the place to meet new people. Tinder. Tinder. Close. Let’s be real, the dating landscape looks Missing: communication studies · Still, all of this sheds little light on the consequences of using the app. Prior research on online dating has indicated that within the shopping logic of online dating, a lack of comprised of peer-reviewed studies conducted on online-dating and news articles, and apply the theoretical framework and ideas to primary sources that encompass personal anecdotes Missing: communication studies
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